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How It Works

Choose your website template

Choose your website design

Choose your design from our library of highly reviewed curated website templates. Once you've purchased your template, it will be unique to your business

Select your pricing package

Select your pricing package

Select a monthly subscription package to suit your needs. To claim your first month Free Trial, use promo code TrialPromo before proceeding to checkout

Sit back and let us do the heavy lifting

Sit back and let us do the heavy lifting

Register your domain name and complete the purchase. When you're done, just sit back, relax and we will build your website for you in 14 days

How it works

We are here to assist you in creating your online shop to promote and bring your products and services to market using a virtual platform.  Until now you may have not considered moving your business online, either because you didn’t have time or didn’t know where to start.  Let’s Rethink is able to provide you with the access to a creative team who are able to translate your vision to a real working ecommerce website.  We provide you templates designed to cater for e-commerce, promoting sales through beautifully created and displayed product offerings with a minimal monthly cost.

Items included in our popular Business package ($100 a month)

The website design templates you select will be made unavailable for others after you complete the purchase making it unique for your business

You will have your own unique website domain for 12 months. A website domain is your very own website address, for example:

Your online shop will be safe and secure from hackers

We will help you set up your online shop with up to 500 products

Get up to 5 business emails. A business email is your own unique email address for your website domain, for example:

We will provide professional website maintenance and support. Does not include updating and further design changes

What you need to do

Firstly, select the website design template that best suits your business.  Once you have selected your design, you need to select the pricing package that best suits your needs.  Note that the pricing package includes the setting up of your website.  We at Let’s Rethink provide you with a fully functioning ecommerce website in 14 business days.  All you need to do is select the design you like, provide us with your company logo, and content.  As part of the package we will add up to 50 products to your online shop. Once you have selected and purchased a template, it will no longer be available for others to purchase. That way, the design will only be unique to you and your business.

Your ecommerce website is responsive, meaning that it can be viewed on PC’s, tablet, laptops and mobiles.  This means your website can be accessed by a wide variety of persons using any form of media.  As part of some pricing packages, we also provide SEO (search engine optimisation) so that your website is promoted within 5 kilometres of your business address, ensuring your immediate community is there to support you.

Once your website is completed and reviewed it will go live in our Virtual Mall, providing you immediate accessibility to the online world.

Domain Name - A domain name is the URL , better know as a web address where visitor and potential clients find your site. Selecting a domain name is as easy as choosing a name that you identify with, this is usually your business name and if it is available you are able to reserve it.

Domain you currently own - If you already have a domain name, you can either transfer it or we can simply connect to it once the website is ready. The difference between transferring and connecting is simple. When we connect to your domain name, the name remains with your current host and we simply point your new website to it.

What is a payment gateway?-A payment gateway is a merchant service provided by an e-commerce service provider. It authorises credit card and/or direct payment processing for your e-commerce business website. Examples of payment gateways available are Paypal, Stripe, SecurePay, EWay etc.

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